Storing Data in the Repository

If the field you wish to work with is not visible on the screen, click “Show Column”:

You can then type the name of the column you are searching for in the Search area:

You can then use the handlebars icon:

To drag the column onto the appropriate part of the screen. Here is what display when we drag Governing Law to the far left:

Where metadata has been automatically extracted, to complete the review you can double click the cell and press the Enter key. The cell will turn white to indicate that it has been reviewed by a person:

A cell in pink means that the data has been extracted by machine and has not yet been reviewed by a person

Where metadata has not been extracted, or where the metadata requires amendment, you can double click the cell and enter the correct value. Once data has been captured in your repository, you can begin filtering to rapidly find documents. Each column has a filter area at the top:

To find all contracts with a governing law of New York, you would type “New York” into the filter area:

Capitalisation does not matter. “New York” and “new york” will match the same results

Last updated